Auto Accidents / Workers Compensation
Have you been injured in a car accident or had a work-related injury?
Our office specializes in the management and treatment of all types of accident cases and works to get you back on your feet again, most often with no out-of-pocket expense to you.

Experienced in accident treatment
Dr. Stephen Doholis
Dr. Doholis has held credentials as an Independent Disability Evaluator (IDE) and Qualified Medical Examiners (QME). When he ran an industrial chiropractic clinic in downtown San Diego from 1987-1993, he was one of the first QMEs in the state of California.
Dr. Doholis is qualified to handle your injury condition properly, from whiplash to any other back or peripheral joint-related injuries.
Gentle Treatment
If you are suffering from an auto injury or other condition that causes you great pain, we can schedule you for immediate gentle care using our Activator Methods® approach, which is a relatively pain-free method of treatment to gently adjust the spine.
Dr. Doholis spent 11 years as an instructor in Activator Methods®, educating other doctors how to use the technique and instrument. On your first visit, you will receive a comprehensive consultation and chiropractic exam. From there, we will determine what follow-up treatment is necessary. You can schedule all of your chiropractor appointments at your convenience during our regular treatment times through the week.
When you contact our office after being in an auto accident, you can count on:
Best Possible Chiropractic Care
No Health Insurance Required
No out-of-pocket costs in most cases
We bill your attorney or your auto insurance med-pay

For your appointment, please bring:
Accident report
Your auto insurance information
At-fault party’s insurance information
Your attorney’s information
If you don’t have an attorney, we can refer you to one